Business Cards - Triple Thick

Business Cards - Triple Thick

from $75.00

Triple Thick Business Cards (2” x 3.5”) - Printed on 32Pt. Layered Card-stock with your choice of High Gloss or Matte/Satin Finish.

**NOTE - The Card-stock is Two White Layers sandwiching a Black Layer and the edges will show that way. If you want a solid color edge, check out our Edge Painted Cards.

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Triple Thick Business Cards (2” x 3.5”) - Printed on 32Pt. Layered Card-stock with your choice of High Gloss or Matte/Satin Finish.

**NOTE - The Card-stock is Two White Layered Sandwiching a Black Layer and the edges will show that way. If you want a solid color edge, check out our Edge Painted Cards.